2024 Massey Awards recognize employees’ service to Carolina
The recipients include two housekeepers, two administrators, two academic staff members and one executive assistant.
Six Carolina employees will receive the 2024 C. Knox Massey Distinguished Service Awards, one of the most prestigious distinctions for faculty and staff. One employee will also be honored posthumously.
Established in 1980 by the late C. 诺克斯·梅西,25岁, the awards recognize “unusual, meritorious or superior contributions” by University employees. The awards will be presented at a luncheon April 27.
“我们卓越的员工是卡罗来纳州卓越的核心,” said Interim Chancellor Lee H. 罗伯茨. “每年, 梅西奖突出了我们的员工为社区做出的卓越贡献, 今年获得表彰的七位个人就是极好的例子. Their hard work and dedication truly stand out. 我很荣幸地庆祝和感谢他们为我们伟大的大学所做的一切.”
获奖者, selected through a campus-wide nomination process, each receive a $10,000 stipend and award citation.
This year’s recipients are:
林肯巴特勒, associate vice chancellor, Human Resources
巴特勒, who came to Carolina in 1997, 他对人力资源政策有深入的了解,是许多同事的得力助手. He served on the University’s Emergency Response Team, 领导恶劣天气政策,并参加无数UNC系统工作组,以支持提高效率. 除了卡罗莱纳,巴特勒还协助博彩平台大学系统的其他校区. 不止一位同事欣赏“他愿意卷起袖子,激发积极的变化,从而激励他人”, and thus makes the University a better place.”
钦素素季, housekeeper, Facilities Services
她将10层楼和34.3万平方英尺的梅西科大厅保持在最佳状态. She’s worked in the medical re博彩平台 building since it opened, taking care of the lobby and coffee shop, cleaning restrooms, mopping up spills and washing windows. 她在2022年12月解决管道问题和2023年3月火灾后的清理工作中发挥了重要作用. Nominators celebrated Kyi, 她是一位来自缅甸的单身母亲和难民,来到美国时只会说有限的英语, for her generous optimism, extraordinary work ethic and resilient spirit.
罗宾·李, housekeeper, Facilities Services
李是凯南宿舍楼不仅仅是为120名卡罗莱纳学生居住的建筑,也是他们的家的原因. Lee, or Miss Robin to the students, arrives at 7 a.m. each day and begins cleaning before the residents are awake. 提名者赞扬了李在认识到安全的同时愿意超越和超越, accessibility and comfort for all students. 她一直在倡导为卡罗来纳州的管家提高工资. 李老师微笑着迎接每一个人,尽她所能让学生们有宾至如归的感觉.
蒙哥马利, who’s worked at Carolina for nearly 30 years, oversees logistics like registrations, 课程表, 教室, 该校最大专业的申请和安全审批. 同事们说她做事有条理、细心,能够在危机发生之前阻止它. 她在应对疫情和推出生物系新的本科课程方面发挥了关键作用. 蒙哥马利将科普生物学荣誉研讨会提升为为期一周的庆祝活动,并从2011年开始管理该系的毕业典礼.
Desirée Rieckenberg, dean of students, Student Affairs
Rieckenberg’s work means she’s as likely to get a call at 3 a.m. As 3p.m. concerning a student health or safety issue. 她站在应对一些最困难情况的最前线, including mental health crises, natural disasters or housing and food insecurity issues. Rieckenberg是CARE团队创建背后的梦想家, 一个每周召开一次会议的小组,审查学生遇到的困扰或挑战,威胁他们的学业进步的案例. 她还领导创建了大学批准缺勤办公室, 是卡罗莱纳退伍军人资源中心的“不懈冠军”,并与奖学金和学生援助办公室合作,聘请了该大学的第一位财务福利主任.
Nicholas Siedentop, curriculum director, College of 艺术 and Sciences
西登托普的工作可能“被更广泛的大学社区所忽视”,,但它对每个在卡罗莱纳大学攻读学位的本科生都有巨大的影响. 他负责监督大学课程流程的现代化和数字化工作, including the introduction of the online undergraduate catalog, 学术政策和审查卡罗莱纳州的专业和未成年人的各个方面. Siedentop帮助策划和实施了“IDEAS in Action”课程, 转学课程重新评估系统和课程清单管理器. 提名者注意到他“坚定不移的正直”,称他是一位“有价值、值得信赖的同事,一位出色的主管和领导者”.”
Elizabeth Williams (posthumous winner), executive assistant, Office of the Chancellor
在去年11月突然去世之前,威廉姆斯一直是南楼的“光明和欢乐的守护者”. Her tenure at Carolina began after a career in banking, 抚养她的孩子,并担任更多孩子的法定监护人. 在担任校长Carol Folt和Kevin Guskiewicz的行政助理之前, 威廉姆斯在本科招生办公室和莫尔黑德-凯恩基金会工作,担任招生论文的读者. Colleagues noted how she treated everyone with respect, 创造一个让你觉得有价值的环境,让你像俄罗斯方块专家一样平衡日程安排. To many, “she was truly the heart of the University.”